Complete EcoTek Tool Accessories & Installation Tools For the concrete screw JBS-R in combination with the stress plate EcoTek 50
M6 Bit Extension 600mm Accessories & Installation Tools For the ergonomic installation of pre-assembled flat roof fasteners
PH2 Drive Bit Accessories & Installation Tools For the TKR 4 4.8, VHT R 4.8, VHT E 4.8, TKE 4.8 & TKR 4.8
Drill bit SDS extension 500mm Bar Accessories & Installation Tools For driving through deep thickness of insulation
SDS plus Hammer Drill Bit Accessories & Installation Tools For drilling concrete, brickwork, stone and more
'A' Cone plus flange Accessories & Installation Tools For depth control when drilling concrete & precise penetration of insulations
SDS plus Hammer Drill Bit Accessories & Installation Tools For masonry, concrete, natural stone, artificial stone etc